



2.泥水加压盾构泥浆与泥膜,朱伟、闵凡路、钟小春编,科学出版社,2016 3.隧道标准规范(盾构篇)及解说,翻译,日本土木学会,中国建筑工业出版社,2001 4.土力学,工科力学课程教学基地教材,参编,2002 5.隧道标准规范(盾构篇)及解说,翻译,日本土木学会,2006


  • 谷歌学术,个人首页
  • Wang L , Zhu W , Qian Y ,et al.The New Bubble-Slurry for Sand Conditioning during EPB Shield Tunnelling: A Laboratory Scale Study[J].KSCE journal of civil engineering, 2023.DOI:10.1007/s12205-023-0858-6.
  • 朱伟,钱勇进,王璐,等.长距离盾构隧道掘进的主要问题及发展趋势[J].河海大学学报:自然科学版, 2023, 51(1):12.
  • Wang B, Zhu W, Wu Y, et al. Effect of landing disturbance caused by capping materials on the control efficiency of contaminated sediment capping[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2023, 23(3): 1595-1605.
  • Wang R, Cao J, Zhu W, et al. Integration of pre-precipitation optimizing performance of culture medium prepared from salvaged cyanobacterial slurry[J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 316: 137805.
  • Mu B, Zhu W, Sun J, et al. Enhancement of dewatering from oily sludge by addition of alcohols as cosolvents with dimethyl ether[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 304: 122339.
  • Wang B, Zhu W, Wu S, et al. Distribution and changes in microplastics in Taihu Lake and cyanobacterial blooms formed by the aggregation of Microcystis colonies[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022: 1-10.
  • Wang R, Zhu W, Zhao S, et al. Hydrothermal oxidation-precipitation method for recovering phosphorus from dewatered sludge and the mechanisms involved[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 298: 121580.
  • Zhong, Jun, et al. “Transformation mechanism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and hydrogen production during the gasification of coking sludge in supercritical water.” Chemosphere 300 (2022): 134467.
  • Sun, Jipeng, et al. “Efficient extraction of biodiesel feedstock and dehydration of kitchen waste: A method based on co-dissolution of liquefied dimethyl ether and water.” Waste Management 147 (2022): 22-29.
  • Feng, Ganyu, et al. “The role of morphological changes in Microcystis adaptation to nutrient availability at the colonial level.” Harmful Algae 115 (2022): 102235.
  • Xue, Zongpu, et al. “Influence of wind and light on the floating and sinking process of Microcystis.” Scientific reports 12.1 (2022): 1-12.
  • Ruochen Wang, Wei Zhu, Bin Wang,Selective separation of low-molecule-weight substances from hydrothermally oxidized cyanobacterial slurry to improve cultivation of Scenedesmus obliquus[J].Biomass and Bioenergy,2022.点击下载
  • Naixi Lin, Wei Zhu, Xingyu You,et al.Verification of the mechanism and effect of secondary advanced dewatering promoted by selective oxidative decomposition: on pilot scale[J].Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2022.点击下载
  • 侯豪, 朱伟, 陈益人,等. 箱涵清淤及泥处理利用典型实例研究[J]. 中国给水排水, 2022, 38(1):6.点击下载
  • 侯豪,朱伟,许小格,薛宗璞,程林.太湖底泥垂向构成类型及底泥—水界面组成物质[J/OL].湖泊科学:1-12[2022-03-29].点击下载
  • Qian Y, Zhu W, Zhang N, et al. Simple Filter Cake Formation Test Method Using a Geotextile instead of the Sand Stratum[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021: 1-10.点击下载
  • Mu, Biao, Wei Zhu ,et al. “Mechanism of separation and removal of water from oily sludge using liquid dimethyl ether to dissolve hydrocarbons.” Chemosphere 279 (2021): 130452.点击下载
  • 朱伟, 程林, 薛宗璞, 等. 太湖水体交换周期变化 (1986—2018 年) 及对水质空间格局的影响[J]. 湖泊科学, 2021, 33(4): 1087-1099.点击下载
  • 朱伟, 赵笛, 范惜辉, 等. 渣土改良为流动化回填土的应用[J]. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 49(2): 134-139.点击下载
  • Cui, Yan, et al. “The role of lime in dredged mud dewatered by a plate and frame filter press and potential substitutes.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28.14 (2021): 17331-17342.点击下载
  • Wang, Chenyu, Wei Zhu, and Xihui Fan. “Char derived from sewage sludge of hydrothermal carbonization and supercritical water gasification: Comparison of the properties of two chars.” Waste Management 123 (2021): 88-96.点击下载
  • Wu, Silin, et al. “Pore characteristics of cake and its effect on cake filtration.” Separation Science and Technology 56.4 (2021): 789-799.点击下载
  • 朱伟, 陈怀民, 肖曼, 等. 风生紊流导致微囊藻群体破碎和形态变化[J]. 湖泊科学, 2021, 33(2): 349-365.点击下载
  • Wu, S., Chen, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, P., Scheuermann, A., Jin, G., & Zhu, W. (2021). Study on filtration process of geotextile with LBM-DEM-DLVO coupling method. Geotextiles and Geomembranes49(1): 166-179.点击下载
  • Wang C, Wu C, Hornung U, et al. Suppression of tar and char formation in supercritical water gasification of sewage sludge by additive addition[J]. Chemosphere, 2021, 262: 128412.点击下载
  • Ganyu Feng, Wei Zhu, Zongpu Xue, Siyuan Hu, Ruochen Wang, Shuai Zhao, Huaimin Chen.Structural Variations Increase the Upper Limit of Colony Size of Microcystis: Implications from Laboratory Cultures and Field Investigations.Journal of Phycology.2020 ;6:1676-1686.点击下载
  • Chen H, Zhu Y, Zhang Y, et al. Cyanobacterial bloom expansion caused by typhoon disturbance in Lake Taihu China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 42294-42303.点击下载
  • 朱伟, 薛宗璞, 章元明, 等. “引江济太” 对 2016 年后太湖总磷反弹的直接影响分析[J]. 湖泊科学, 2020, 32(5): 1432-1445.点击下载
  • Wang L, Zhu W, Qian Y, et al. Phenomenon and Critical Conditions of Chamber Soil Sliming during EPB Shield Tunneling in Water-Rich Weathered Diorite: Case Study of Jinan Metro, China[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020, 2020.点击下载
  • Lin N, Zhu W, Fan X, Wang C, Chen C, Zhang H, Chen L, Wu S, Cui Y. Key factor on improving secondary advanced dewatering performance of municipal dewatered sludge: Selective oxidative decomposition of polysaccharides. Chemosphere. 2020 Feb 5:126108.点击下载
  • Li Y, Zhu W, Wu S, et al. Environmental impact of fluidized solidified silt casting on surrounding water bodies[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2020, 38(5): 604-610.点击下载
  • Chen L, Zhu W, Lin NX, Mu B, Fan XH, Wang CY, Chen HM, Zhong J. Mechanism of separation and removal of water from dewatered sludge using L-DME to dissolve hydrophilic organic matter. Chemosphere. 2020 May 1;246:125648.点击下载
  • 朱伟, 胡思远, 冯甘雨, 等. 特大洪水对浅水湖泊磷的影响: 以 2016 年太湖为例[J]. 湖泊科学, 2020, 32(2): 325-336.点击下载
  • Chen H, Zhu Y, Zhang Y, et al. Cyanobacterial bloom expansion caused by typhoon disturbance in Lake Taihu China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020.点击下载
  • Wang C, Fan Y, Hornung U, Zhu W, Dahmen N. Char and tar formation during hydrothermal treatment of sewage sludge in subcritical and supercritical water: Effect of organic matter composition and experiments with model compounds. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020 Jan 1;242:118586.点击下载
  • 吴思麟, 朱伟, 刘既明, 等. 环保疏浚泥处理工程泥性质变化规律及问题分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(12): 2290-2296.点击下载
  • Wang C, Zhu W, Zhang H, Chen C, Fan X, Su Y. Char and tar formation during hydrothermal gasification of dewatered sewage sludge in subcritical and supercritical water: Influence of reaction parameters and lumped reaction kinetics. Waste Management. 2019 Dec 1;100:57-65.点击下载
  • Wang R, Zhu W, Hu S, Feng G, Xue Z, Chen H. Hydrothermal pretreatment of salvaged cyanobacteria and use of pretreated medium for cultivating Scenedesmus obliquus. Bioresource technology. 2019 Dec 1;294:122120.点击下载
  • Wu S, Zhu Y, Zhu W, et al. A study on the differences in the flocculation of dredged slurries and the influencing mechanisms[J]. Water Science and Technology, 2019, 80(9): 1751-1762.点击下载
  • Feng G, Zhu W, Hu S, et al. Attenuation of light influences the size of Microcystis colonies[J]. Harmful algae, 2019, 89: 101667.点击下载
  • Shu S, Zhu W, Xu H, et al. A new method for determination of heavy metal adsorption parameters in compacted clay by batch tests[J]. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2019, 181: 114-120.点击下载
  • Su Y, Liu D, Gong M, et al. Investigation on the decomposition of chemical compositions during hydrothermal conversion of dewatered sewage sludge[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(49): 26933-26942.点击下载
  • 朱伟, 冯甘雨, 刘毅璠, 蒋秀丽, 李云全, 刘既明, 王若辰, 胡思远, 陈怀民. 深水型水库环保疏浚对水质的影响及敏感参数研究——以通济桥水库为例. 湖泊科学. 2019 Jul 6;31(4):930-40.点击下载
  • Fan X, Zhu W, Qian Y, Wu S, Shu S, Lin N. Increasing the Hydraulic Conductivity of Solidified Sewage Sludge for Use as Temporary Landfill Cover. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2019;2019.点击下载
  • Shu S, Zhu W, Xu H, Wang S, Fan X, Wu S, Shi J, Song J. Effect of the leachate head on the key pollutant indicator in a municipal solid waste landfill barrier system. Journal of environmental management. 2019 Jun 1;239:262-70.点击下载
  • 朱伟, 钱勇进, 闵凡路, 王璐, 王超, 徐超, 胡涧楠. 中国泥水盾构使用现状及若干问题. 隧道建设 (中英文). 2019(5):5.点击下载
  • Shu S, Zhu W, Shi J. A new simplified method to calculate breakthrough time of municipal solid waste landfill liners. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019 May 10;219:649-54.点击下载
  • 朱伟, 陈怀民, 王若辰, 冯甘雨, 薛宗璞, 胡思远. 2017 年太湖水华面积偏大的原因分析. 湖泊科学. 2019 May 6;31(3):621-32.点击下载
  • Xu H, Shu S, Wang S, et al. Studies on the chemical compatibility of soil-bentonite cut-off walls for landfills[J]. Journal of environmental management, 2019, 237: 155-162.点击下载
  • Chen Chen C, Zhu W, Wang C, Zhang H, Lin N. Transformation of phosphorus during sub-and supercritical water gasification of dewatered cyanobacteria and one-step phosphorus recovery. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 2019 May 1;147:188-93.点击下载
  • 王超, 朱伟, 闵凡路, 等. 压气条件下泥膜进气值测量试验研究[J]. 隧道建设, 2019, 39(4): 626-632.点击下载
  • Wang S, Zhu W, Fei K, et al. COD (glucose configuration) effects on the non-Darcy flow of compacted clay in a municipal solid waste landfill[J]. Waste Management, 2019, 84: 220-226.点击下载
  • Wang C, Zhu W, Chen C, Zhang H, Fan Y, Mu B, Zhong J. Behavior of phosphorus in catalytic supercritical water gasification of dewatered sewage sludge: The conversion pathway and effect of alkaline additive. Energy & fuels. 2019 Jan 3;33(2):1290-5.点击下载
  • 赵笛, 朱先杰, 侯志强, 韩婷婷, 朱伟. 疏浚淤泥有机质含量及其对固化淤泥强度的影响. 河南科学. 2019(10):15.点击下载
  • 徐超, 朱伟, 钱勇进, 王璐, 胡涧楠. 盾构隧道壁后注浆窜浆分析. 河南科学. 2019(10):13.点击下载
  • 王飞龙, 朱伟, 吴思麟. 养护围压对固化土固化效果影响的试验研究. 河南科学. 2019(2):15.点击下载
  • 刘既明, 朱伟, 吴思麟. 福岛核泄漏引发河湖库底泥污染及处置: 实例研究. 岩土工程学报. 2019;41(7):1303-10.点击下载


  • Wu S, Zhu W, Lv Y, et al. Quality control indexes and curing agent values for submerged poured solidifying-silt island; case study of the artificial island of Dalian Bay, China[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 190: 664-671.点击下载
  • Zhu W, Zhou X, Chen H, et al. Sequence of Microcystis colony formation during recruitment under natural conditions[J]. Hydrobiologia, 2018, 823(1): 39-48.点击下载
  • Fan X, Zhu W, Xu H, et al. Pore Size Distribution and Hydraulic Conductivity Characteristics of Solidified Sewage Sludge[C]//The International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics. Springer, Singapore, 2018: 389-396.点击下载
  • Wang S, Zhu W, Xu H, et al. Effects of Leachate Concentration (Na+, Pb 2+, COD) on Non-Darcy Flow of Compacted Clay[C]//The International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics. Springer, Singapore, 2018: 101-108.点击下载
  • Xu H, Zhu W, Wang S, et al. Influences of Effective Confining Stresses on the Chemical Compatibility of Backfills for Soil-Bentonite Cut-off Walls[C]//The International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics. Springer, Singapore, 2018: 575-582.点击下载
  • Shu S, Zhu W, Xu H, et al. Numerical Parametric Study of Multiple Pollutants Transport Through Compacted Clay Liner[C]//The International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics. Springer, Singapore, 2018: 478-490.点击下载
  • Zhu W, Feng G, Chen H, et al. Modelling the vertical migration of different-sized Microcystis colonies: coupling turbulent mixing and buoyancy regulation[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(30): 30339-30347.点击下载
  • Wang C, Zhu W, Chen C, et al. Influence of reaction conditions on the catalytic activity of a nickel during the supercritical water gasification of dewatered sewage sludge[J]. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2018, 140: 356-363.点击下载
  • Fan Y J, Zhu W, Gong M, et al. Investigation of the interaction between intermediates from gasification of biomass in supercritical water: Formaldehyde/formic acid mixtures[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(29): 13090-13097.点击下载
  • Wu, S., Zhu, W., Min, F., and Fan, X., “A Test Method for Measuring Floc Size of Slurry,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 41, No. 6, 2018, pp. 998-1007.点击下载
  • Zhen S, Zhu W. Determination of the in situ growth rate of Microcystis based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope fractionation[J]. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2018, 18(3): 984-993.点击下载
  • 朱伟, 谈永琴, 王若辰, 等. 太湖典型区 2010-2017 年间水质变化趋势及异常分析[J]. 湖泊科学, 2018, 30(2): 296-305.点击下载
  • Lv Y, Zhu W, Qian X, et al. Study on “buoyancy-viscous force” of slurry-like soils[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2018, 36(2): 211-217.点击下载
  • Shu S, Zhu W, Wang S, et al. Leachate breakthrough mechanism and key pollutant indicator of municipal solid waste landfill barrier systems: centrifuge and numerical modeling approach[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 612: 1123-1131.点击下载
  • Wang S, Zhu W, Fei K, et al. Study on non-darcian flow sand-clay mixtures[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 151: 102-108.点击下载
  • X Zhang, W Peng, H Zhang, W Zhu. Inertial proximal incremental aggregated gradient method [J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.00984 4 2017
  • C Wang, W Zhu, M Gong, Y Su, Y Fan. Influence of H2O2 and Ni catalysts on hydrogen production and PAHs inhibition from the supercritical water gasification of dewatered sewage sludge [J]The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 130, 183-188 29 2017
  • N Zhang, W Zhu, H He, Y Lv. Experimental study on sedimentation and consolidation of soil particles in dredged slurry[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 21 (7), 2596-2606 6 2017
  • T Sun, H Jiang, L Cheng, W Zhu. A convergence frame for inexact nonconvex and nonsmooth algorithms and its applications to several iterations[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.04072 6 2017
  • T Sun, H Jiang, L Cheng, W Zhu. A convergence framework for inexact nonconvex and nonsmooth algorithms and its applications to several iterations[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.04072 4 2017
  • 钱勇进,朱伟,闵凡路,杜瑞,王超. 砂卵石地层中泥膜支护土压盾构施工试验[J]. 中国公路学报 30 (8), 210 1 2017
  • N Zhang, W Zhu, H He, Y Lv, S Wang. Experimental study on settling velocity of soil particles in dredged slurry[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 35 (6), 747-757 11 2017
  • M Gong, S Nanda, HN Hunter, W Zhu, AK Dalai, JA Kozinski. Lewis acid catalyzed gasification of humic acid in supercritical water[J]. Catalysis Today 291, 13-23 45 2017
  • 陈喜坤,朱伟,王睿. 注入初期盾构壁后注浆体的三轴试验研究[J]. 长江科学院院报 34 (4), 140 4 2017
  • 杜瑞,朱伟,闵凡路,钱勇进. 盾构壁后注浆体在不同地层中固结排水试验研究[J]. 隧道建设 (中英文) 11  2017
  • 吴思麟,朱伟,闵凡路,张春雷,魏代伟. 泥浆真空抽滤泥水分离中堵塞机理及规律性研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 39 (8), 1530-1537 2 2017
  • 加瑞,朱伟,闵凡路. 泥浆颗粒级配和地层孔径对泥水盾构泥膜形成的影响[J]. 中国公路学报 30 (8), 100-108 2 2017
  • 张宁,朱伟,闵凡路,徐静波. 泥水盾构带压开舱时泥膜的微观孔隙及渗透性研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 39 (3), 495-500 7 2017
  • S Wang, W Zhu, X Qian, H Xu, X Fan. Temperature effects on non-Darcy flow of compacted clay[J]. Applied Clay Science 135, 521-525 15 2017
  • H Zhao, W Zhu, H Chen, X Zhou, R Wang, M Li. Numerical simulation of the vertical migration of Microcystis (cyanobacteria) colonies based on turbulence drag[J]. J Limnol 76, 190-198 10 2017
  • M Gong, S Nanda, MJ Romero, W Zhu, JA Kozinski. Subcritical and supercritical water gasification of humic acid as a model compound of humic substances in sewage sludge[J].
  • The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 119, 130-138 86 2017
  • M Li, W Zhu, L Guo, J Hu, H Chen, M Xiao. To increase size or decrease density? Different Microcystis species has different choice to form blooms[J]. Scientific Reports 6 (1), 1-10 27 2016
  • H Xu, W Zhu, X Qian, S Wang, X Fan. Studies on hydraulic conductivity and compressibility of backfills for soil-bentonite cutoff walls[J]. Applied Clay Science 132, 326-335 35 2016
  • S Xu, Q Sun, X Zhou, X Tan, M Xiao, W Zhu, M Li. Polysaccharide biosynthesis-related genes explain phenotype-genotype correlation of Microcystis colonies in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu, China[J]. Scientific Reports 6 (1), 1-10 14 2016
  • W Zhu, X Zhou, H Chen, L Gao, M Xiao, M Li. High nutrient concentration and temperature alleviated formation of large colonies of Microcystis: Evidence from field investigations and laboratory experiments[J]. Water research 101, 167-175 56 2016
  • W Zhu, H Chen, L Guo, M Li. Effects of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) on the interspecific competition between Microcystis and Scenedesmus[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (16), 16194-16200 13 2016
  • M Gong, W Zhu, H Zhang, Y Su, Y Fan. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation from gasification of sewage sludge in supercritical water: The concentration distribution and effect of sludge properties[J]. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 113, 112-118 23 2016
  • F Xu, W Zhu, M Xiao, M Li. Interspecific variation in extracellular polysaccharide content and colony formation of Microcystis spp. cultured under different light intensities and temperatures[J]. Journal of Applied Phycology 28 (3), 1533-1541 25 2016
  • 朱伟,徐浩青,王升位,范惜辉. CaCl2 溶液对不同黏土基防渗墙渗透性的影响[J]. 岩土力学 37 (5), 1224-1230 6 2016
  • M Gong, W Zhu, Y Fan, H Zhang, Y Su. Influence of the reactant carbon–hydrogen–oxygen composition on the key products of the direct gasification of dewatered sewage sludge in supercritical water[J]. Bioresource technology 208, 81-86 20 2016
  • S Wang, W Zhu, X Qian, H Xu, X Fan. Study of threshold gradient for compacted clays based on effective aperture[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences 75 (8), 1-9 14 2016
  • YJ Fan, W Zhu, M Gong, Y Su, HW Zhang, JN Zeng. Catalytic gasification of dewatered sewage sludge in supercritical water: Influences of formic acid on hydrogen production[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (7), 4366-4373 31 2016
  • Q Sun, W Zhu, M Li, X Tan. Morphological changes of Microcystis aeruginosa colonies in culture[J]. Journal of Limnology 75 (1) 14 2016
  • 王莉君,朱伟,吕一彦,王升位. 南京市黑臭河道底泥污染特征分析[J]. 中国水利学会 2016 学术年会论文集 (上册)  2016
  • S Wang, W Zhu, Y Lv, H Zhang. An investigation into changes in phosphorus forms and phosphorus leaching from dredged sediments solidification of taihu lake[J]. Fresen. Environ. Bull 25 (12), 5399-5405 2 2016
  • 范惜辉,朱伟,王升位,徐浩青,舒实. 固化污泥固结渗透特性及孔隙变化试验研究[J]. 东南大学学报: 自然科学版 46 (A01), 20-24 1 2016
  • Y Lv, W Zhu, T Han. Mechanism underlying bonding water film effect on rheological parameters[J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2016 1 2016
  • 张亚洲,朱伟,陈健,闵凡路,史海岭. 膨胀土地层泥水盾构停机时开挖面破坏原因及防治措施研究——以扬州瘦西湖隧道工程为例[J]. 隧道建设 36 (5), 549-555  2016
  • 朱伟,舒实,王升位,徐浩青,范惜辉. 垃圾填埋场渗沥液击穿防渗系统的指示污染物研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 38 (4), 619-626 6 2016
  • 甘雅雄,朱伟,吕一彦,杨琴. 从水分转化研究早强型材料固化淤泥的早强机理[J]. 岩土工程学报 38 (4), 755-760 1 2016
  • L Wang, W Zhu, J Xie, L Li, C Zhang. Study of the shear strength of sediments in main sedimentation stages[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 33 (6), 556-566 8 2015
  • 孙千千,朱伟,李明. 太湖贡湖湾和梅梁湾微囊藻群落的时空分布及其驱动因子[J]. 湖泊科学 27 (5), 865-872 3 2015
  • W Zhu, Q Sun, F Chen, M Li. Cellular N: P ratio of Microcystis as an indicator of nutrient limitation—implications and applications[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences 74 (5), 4023-4030 11 2015
  • Y Su, W Zhu, M Gong, H Zhou, Y Fan, B Amuzu-Sefordzi. Interaction between sewage sludge components lignin (phenol) and proteins (alanine) in supercritical water gasification[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (30), 9125-9136 55 2015
  • W Zhu, M Li, X Dai, M Xiao. Differences in vertical distribution of Microcystis morphospecies composition in a shallow hypertrophic lake (Lake Taihu, China) [J]. Environmental Earth Sciences 73 (9), 5721-5730 17 2015
  • X Zhao, W Zhu, J Huang, M Li, M Gong. Emission characteristics of PCDD/Fs, PAHs and PCBs during the combustion of sludge-coal water slurry[J].Journal of the Energy Institute 88 (2), 105-111 43 2015
  • 马倩,朱伟,龚淼,张会文,徐骏. 超临界水气化处理对脱水污泥中重金属环境风险的影响[J]. 环境科学学报 35 (5)  2015
  • F Min, W Zhu, C Lin, X Guo. Opening the excavation chamber of the large-diameter size slurry shield: A case study in Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel in China[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 46, 18-27 81 2015
  • YJ Fan, W Zhu, M Gong, Y Su, HW Zhang, JN Zeng. Catalytic gasification of dewatered sewage sludge in supercritical water: Influences of formic acid on hydrogen production[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 1 2015
  • 陈喜坤,朱伟,王睿,闵凡路,魏代伟. 南京纬三路过江通道弃砂在壁后注浆材料中的利用[J]. 隧道建设 35 (11), 1176-1181 2 2015
  • 张宁,朱伟,闵凡路. 南京纬三路过江通道泥水盾构泥浆配制试验研究[J]. 隧道建设 35 (10), 1022-1027 7 2015
  • 王睿,姚占虎,朱伟,陈喜坤. 南京纬三路过江通道盾构壁后注浆固结不排水剪切力学特性研究[J]. 现代隧道技术 52 (4), 95-100 3 2015
  • 闵凡路,赵小鹏,朱伟,张宁. 不同泥浆渗透模式下形成泥膜的闭气效果探讨[J]. 现代隧道技术 52 (4), 68-73 2 2015
  • 朱伟,姜谋余,蔡勇,杨平. 倡导亲自然河道治理模式——对农村河道治理的思考[J].
  • 2015 第七届全国河湖治理与水生态文明发展论坛论文集 2015
  • 包建平,朱伟,闵佳华. 中小河道治理中的清淤及淤泥处理技术[J].水资源保护 31 (1), 56-62 20 2015
  • 边博,朱伟,李冰,吴海锁,周灵君. 太湖流域西部地区面源污染特征及其控制技术[J]. 水资源保护 31 (1), 48-55 7 2015
  • 张会文,蔡勇,仇荣,周钧,刘敏昊,朱伟. 江苏农村河道治理现状调查及分析[J]. 水资源保护 31 (1), 69-73 3 2015
  • 朱伟,杨平,龚淼. 日本多自然河川治理及其对我国河道整治的启示[J]. 水资源保护 31 (1), 22-29 4 2015
  • 朱伟,姜谋余,蔡勇,杨平. 倡导亲自然河道治理模式——对我国农村河道治理的思考[J]. 水资源保护 31 (1), 1-7 7 2015
  • 朱伟,闵凡路,姚占虎,王睿,魏代伟,姜腾. 盾构隧道开舱技术现状及实例[J]. 现代隧道技术 52 (1), 9-18 31 2015
  • M Gong, W Zhu, HW Zhang, Q Ma, Y Su, YJ Fan. Influence of NaOH and Ni catalysts on hydrogen production from the supercritical water gasification of dewatered sewage sludge[J]. international journal of hydrogen energy 39 (35), 19947-19954 53 2014
  • W Zhu, M Li, Y Luo, X Dai, L Guo, M Xiao, J Huang, X Tan. Vertical distribution of Microcystis colony size in Lake Taihu: its role in algal blooms[J]. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40 (4), 949-955 66 2014
  • H Zhang, W Zhu, Z Xu, M Gong. Gasification of cyanobacterial in supercritical water[J]. Environmental technology 35 (22), 2788-2795 10 2014
  • W Zhu, R Wang, J Zuo, C Lin, F Min. Improved isotropically consolidated undrained triaxial test method for non-self-supporting materials[J]. Geotechnical Testing Journal 37 (4), 652-662 13 2014
  • M Li, W Zhu, X Dai, M Xiao, G Appiah-Sefah, PN Nkrumah. Size-dependent growth of Microcystis colonies in a shallow, hypertrophic lake: use of the RNA-to-total organic carbon ratio[J]. Aquatic ecology 48 (2), 207-217 10 2014
  • M Gong, W Zhu, ZR Xu, HW Zhang, HP Yang. Influence of sludge properties on the direct gasification of dewatered sewage sludge in supercritical water[J]. Renewable Energy 66, 605-611 80 2014
  • X Sun, W Zhu, X Qian, Z Xu. Exploring cementitious additives for pretreatment of high-early-strength sewage sludge from the perspective of the rapid generation of nonevaporable water[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 26 (5), 878-885 14 2014
  • M Li, W Zhu, L Gao. Analysis of cell concentration, volume concentration, and colony size of Microcystis via laser particle analyzer[J]. Environmental management 53 (5), 947-958 34 2014
  • C Lin, W Zhu, J Han. Permeability and leachability of solidified sewage sludge[J]. Environmental Geotechnics 1 (1), 33-39 4 2014
  • 魏代伟,朱伟,闵凡路. 砂土地层泥水盾构泥膜形成时间及泥浆压力转化率的试验研究[J]. 岩土力学 35 (2), 423-428 15* 2014
  • M Li, W Zhu, Q Sun. Solubilisation of mucilage induces changes in Microcystis colonial morphology[J]. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 48 (1), 38-47 26 2014
  • W Zhu, S Shu. Numerical analysis of heavy metal transport process in a sludge landfill subjected to rainfall[J]. 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics: iceg2014: iceg2014 …  2014
  • 黄英豪,朱伟,董婵,周宣兆. 固化淤泥结构性力学特性的试验研究[J]. 水利学报 45 (S2), 130-136 3 2014
  • 李小平,朱伟. 土壤孔径分布对污染物迁移过程中弥散系数的影响[J]. 水资源与水工程学报 25 (2), 172-175 5 2014
  • F Min, W Zhu, S Xia, R Wang, D Wei, T Jiang. Test study on airtight capability of filter cakes for slurry shield and its application in a case[J]. Advances in materials science and engineering 2014 7 2014
  • N Zhang, W Zhu. Study of sedimentation and consolidation of soil particles in dredged slurry[J]. Geoenvironmental Engineering, 70-79 15 2014
  • W Zhu, X Dai, M Li. Relationship between extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) content and colony size of Microcystis is colonial morphology dependent[J]. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 346-350 30 2014
  • 徐骏,朱伟. 污水处理厂脱水污泥中重金属的分布规律[J]. 水资源保护 30 (2), 62-66  2014
  • 王亮,朱伟,张春雷,谢健. 淤泥的触变性质研究[J]. 中国水利学会 2014 学术年会论文集 (下册)  2014
  • 姜腾,朱伟,闵凡路,魏代伟. 泥水盾构开舱时的泥膜闭气性能及改性方法[J]. 地下空间与工程学报 10 (3), 504-509 6 2014
  • 钱勇进,朱伟,孙政,龚淼. 蓝藻藻泥固结特性的试验研究[J]. 水资源与水工程学报 25 (2), 136-139  2014
  • 程康睿,朱伟,董婵,汤苏晨. 水力条件对芦苇湿地系统 DO 质量浓度的影响[J]. 水资源保护 30 (3), 76-80  2014
  • 张会文,朱伟,包建平,魏代伟,舒实. 污泥原位固化-稳定化处理中试研究[J]. 环境工程, 101-104 5 2014
  • 史海岭,朱伟,闵凡路,张亚洲. 扬州瘦西湖盾构隧道泥水系统中黏土块的溶崩规律研究[J]. 科学技术与工程, 61-64 2 2014
  • SH Htar, W Zhu, J Huang, PN Nkrumah. Effect of rising atmospheric CO2 on sediment and water 15N interactions in experimental riparian wetland[J]. Environmental earth sciences 70 (7), 3185-3195 1 2013
  • 朱伟,闵凡路,吕一彦,王升位,孙政,张春雷,李磊, “泥科学与应用技术” 的提出及研究进展[J]. 岩土力学 34 (11), 3041-3054 2 2013
  • C Lin, W Zhu, J Han. Strength and leachability of solidified sewage sludge with different additives[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 25 (11), 1594-1601 35 2013
  • F Min, W Zhu, X Han. Filter cake formation for slurry shield tunneling in highly permeable sand[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 38, 423-430 70 2013
  • M Li, W Zhu, L Gao, L Lu. Changes in extracellular polysaccharide content and morphology of Microcystis aeruginosa at different specific growth rates[J]. Journal of Applied Phycology 25 (4), 1023-1030 100 2013
  • 李林,朱伟. 流动条件下四尾栅藻对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响[J]. 重庆大学学报 36 (7), 121-126  2013
  • SH Htar, W Zhu, J Huang. Nitrogen Transformation as Influenced by Soil Microbial Nitrogen under Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Induced in Created Riparian Wetlands[J]. Communications in soil science and plant analysis 44 (13), 2042-2054  2013
  • 张楠,朱伟,王亮,吕一彦,周宣兆. 吹填泥浆中土颗粒沉降-固结规律研究[J]. 岩土力学 34 (6), 1681-1686 6 2013
  • 王亮,朱伟,茅加峰,何洪涛,张楠,谢健. 使用改进的分层抽取法研究淤泥沉积过程中的强度变化[J]. 岩土工程学报 35 (5), 916-921 1 2013
  • ZR Xu, W Zhu, M Gong, HW Zhang. Direct gasification of dewatered sewage sludge in supercritical water. Part 1: effects of alkali salts[J]. international journal of hydrogen energy 38 (10), 3963-3972 59 2013
  • ZR Xu, W Zhu, M Li, HW Zhang, M Gong. Quantitative analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in solid residues from supercritical water gasification of wet sewage sludge[J]. Applied energy 102, 476-483 62 2013
  • Z Sun, W Zhu, MJ He. Consolidation properties of dewatered municipal sewage sludge[J]. Science Technology and Engineering 13 (11), 3146-3150 1 2013
  • FL Min, W Zhu, DW Wei, SQ Xia. Change of pore water pressure in soil as filter cakes formed on excavation face in slurry shield[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 35 (4), 722-727 23 2013
  • M Li, W Zhu, XY Li. Effects of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate on extracellular polysaccharide content and cells per particle of Microcystis aeruginosa and Scenedesmus obliquus. [J]. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 22 (4b), 1189-1194 11 2013
  • M Xiao, W Zhu, M Li, Q Sun, PN Nkrumah, X Tan. The influence of water oscillation on the vertical distribution of Microcystis colonies of different sizes[J]. Fresenius Environ Bull 22, 3511-3518 4 2013
  • L Li, W Zhu, T Wang, Y Luo, F Chen, X Tan. Effect of fluid motion on colony formation in Microcystis aeruginosa[J]. Water Science and Engineering 6 (1), 106-116 10 2013
  • D Wei, W Zhu, F Min. Change laws of excess pore water pressure during forming of filter cake in slurry shield[J].J. Wate. Resou. & Architect. Engin. 11, 36-40 2 2013
  • XL Zhao, W Zhu. Emission Characteristicsof of PCBs of Combustion of Sludge-Coal Water Slurry in Fluidized Bed[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials 340, 382-387 2 2013
  • M Li, W Zhu, L Gao, J Huang, L Li. Seasonal variations of morphospecies composition and colony size of Microcystis in a shallow hypertrophic lake (Lake Taihu, China) [J]. Fresen Environ Bull 22, 3474-3483 35 2013
  • 郭丽丽,朱伟,李明. 水中主要阳离子对铜绿微囊藻生长及多糖的影响[J]. 生态环境学报 22 (8), 1358-1364 5 2013
  • 赵晓莉,朱伟,徐德福,邱林倩,张超,杨创. 污泥/煤流化床混烧底灰中的重金属毒性研究[J]. 南京信息工程大学学报: 自然科学版 5 (3), 244-250  2013
  • 代晓炫,朱伟,李明. 营养盐对微囊藻细胞组分及多糖组成的影响[J]. 湖泊科学 25 (2), 277-282 6 2013
  • 魏代伟,朱伟,闵凡路. 泥水盾构泥膜形成过程中超静孔隙水压力随时间的变化[J]. 水利与建筑工程学报 11 (3), 36-40 1 2013
  • 罗永刚,朱伟,李明,代晓炫,肖曼. 群体大小对微囊藻细胞昼夜垂向迁移的影响[J]. 湖泊科学 25 (3), 386-391 1 2013
  • 陈梦银,朱伟,董婵. 基于植物昼夜释氧变化规律的复合垂直流人工湿地氮形态[J]. 湖泊科学 25 (3), 392-397 2 2013
  • 孙政,朱伟,贺敏杰. 污水厂污泥固结特性研究[J]. 科学技术与工程, 3146-3150 4 2013
  • 周宣兆,朱伟,孙政. 清淤淤泥的固结特性试验研究[J]. 水资源与水工程学报, 69-72 3 2013
  • 闵凡路,朱伟,魏代伟,夏胜全. 泥水盾构泥膜形成时开挖面地层孔压变化规律研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 35 (4), 722-727 25 2013
  • M Li, W Zhu. The effects of turbulence on the polysaccharides content and colony formation of Microcystis under different nutrition conditions[J]. Advanced Materials Research 610, 25-30  2013
  • ZR Xu, W Zhu, SH Htar. Partial oxidative gasification of municipal sludge in subcritical and supercritical water[J]. Environmental technology 33 (11), 1217-1223 29 2012
  • HW Zhang, W Zhu, ZR Xu, M Gong. Distributions of Carbon Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Products from SCWG of Cyanobacteria[J]. Advanced Materials Research 518, 326-331 4 2012
  • ZR Xu, W Zhu, M Li. Influence of moisture content on the direct gasification of dewatered sludge via supercritical water[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 83 2012
  • YH Huang, W Zhu, XZ Zhou, C ZHANG. Experimental study of compressibility behavior of solidified dredged material[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 33 (10), 2923-2928 9 2012
  • S Wang, W Zhu, Q Zhu, F Min. Covering base[J]. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION &COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE 9 (5), 1343-1355 14 2012
  • XJ Guo, FL Min, XC Zhong, W Zhu. Summaries of key technologies and difficulties in Nanjing Yangtze River tunnel project[J]. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 31 (10), 2154-2160 21 2012
  • L Li, W Zhu, X Dai, M Xiao. Effects of continuous water flow on growth of the Microcystis aeruginosa under different media[J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications 6 (5) 1 2012
  • JB Liu, SJ Li, W Zhu. Back analysis of material parameters of concrete dam using genetic algorithm[J]. Advanced Materials Research 562, 1955-1958 1 2012
  • JB Liu, JR Xue, W Zhu. Damage mechanism and fracture process of concrete gravity dam under earthquake action[J]. Advanced Materials Research 430, 142-145  2012
  • 郭信君,闵凡路,钟小春,朱伟. 南京长江隧道工程难点分析及关键技术总结[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报 31 (10), 2154-2160 38 2012
  • 张云慧,朱伟,董婵. 利用生物膜强化表流湿地处理农村生活污水的试验[J]. 湖泊科学 24 (6), 838-842  2012
  • 李林,朱伟. 连续水流和间歇水流对微囊藻生长的影响[J]. 环境科学与技术 35 (10), 34-37 3 2012
  • 李林,朱伟,罗永刚. , 镁离子在水流作用下对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响[J]. 环境科学与技术 35 (5), 9-13 10 2012
  • 李林,朱伟. 不同光照条件下水流对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响[J]. 湖南大学学报: 自然科学版 39 (9), 87-92 3 2012
  • 刘沅,朱伟. 底泥处理技术及其在深圳的应用[J]. 广东水利水电, 6-9  2012
  • 黄英豪,朱伟,周宣兆,张春雷. 固化淤泥压缩特性的试验研究[J]. 岩土力学 33 (10), 2923-2928 12 2012
  • 陈云敏,施建勇,朱伟,詹良通. 环境岩土工程研究综述[J]. 土木工程学报 45 (4), 165-182 25 2012
  • W Zhu, KL Xu, Y Sun, L Gao. Logistics distribution route planning with fusion algorithm of Petri net and ant colony[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University. Engineering Science 45 (12), 2229-2234 6 2011
  • 何洪涛,朱伟,张春雷,王亮. 分层抽取法在泥沙沉积过程中的应用研究[J]. 岩土力学 32 (8), 2371-2378 7 2011
  • X Zhao, W Zhu, D Xu, J Huang, Z Li, B Dong. Characteristic Analysis of polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers from municipal sewage sludge in Jiangsu Province[J]. 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and …  2011
  • W Zhu, ZR Xu, L Li, C He. The behavior of phosphorus in sub-and super-critical water gasification of sewage sludge[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal 171 (1), 190-196 68 2011
  • Z Xu, W Zhu, J Bao, J Chen. The fate of heavy metal during subcritical and supercritical water gasification of sewage sludge[J]. 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection … 13 2011
  • Y Ping, Z Wei, T Xiao. Comparative environmental analyses of paddy fields in two lake catchment areas: Lake Taihu, China and Lake Biwa, Japan[J]. 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection … 1 2011
  • Y Huang, W Zhu, X Qian, N Zhang, X Zhou. Change of mechanical behavior between solidified and remolded solidified dredged materials[J]. Engineering Geology 119 (3-4), 112-119 60 2011
  • C Dong, W Zhu, YQ Zhao, M Gao. Diurnal fluctuations in root oxygen release rate and dissolved oxygen budget in wetland mesocosm[J]. Desalination 272 (1-3), 254-258 44 2011
  • C Dong, W Zhu, M Gao, LF Zhao, JY Huang, YQ Zhao. Diurnal fluctuations in oxygen release from roots of Acorus calamus Linn in a modeled constructed wetland[J]. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (3), 224-229 11 2011
  • HE Hong-tao, ZHU Wei, C ZHANG. Application of multilayer extraction sampling to sediment deposition process[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 32 (8), 2371-2378 7 2011
  • JP Bao, W Zhu, SC Wang, CL Zhang. Stabilization effect of heavy metals in solidified sludge[J]. Journal of Hohai University: Natural Sciences 39 (1), 24-28 4 2011
  • Z Wang, SF Xu, LL Yan, P Guo, Q Chen. Shrinkage properties of cement solidified sludge with high water content[J]. Advanced Materials Research 168, 1496-1500 10 2011
  • X ZHONG, J ZHANG, J Qin, W ZHU. Simplified calculation model for longitudinal equivalent bending stiffness of shield tunnel and its influence factors’ analysis[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 32 (1), 132-136 14 2011
  • Y Qu, W Zhu, JP Bao, QS Liu, JM Cai. Application of polluted sediment solidification/stabilization technology in Ping lake of Hengyang City[J]. Environmental Science & Technology 5 2011
  • L Zhao, L Lu, M Li, Z Xu, W Zhu. Effects of Ca and Mg levels on colony formation and EPS content of cultured M. aeruginosa[J]. Procedia Environmental Sciences 10, 1452-1458 34 2011
  • 钟小春,秦建设,朱伟,闵凡路. 盾构管片接缝防水材料防水耐久性实验及分析[J]. 地下空间与工程学报 7 (2), 281-285 13 2011
  • 包建平,朱伟,汪顺才,张春雷. 固化对淤泥中重金属的稳定化效果[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 39 (1), 24-28 10 2011
  • 屈阳,朱伟,包建平,刘青松,蔡健明. 衡阳平湖污染淤泥固化/稳定化技术的应用[J].
  • 环境科学与技术 34 (6), 137-140 7 2011
  • 李磊,朱伟,屈阳,包建平. 低渗透污染土水动力弥散参数试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 33 (8), 1308-1312 7* 2011
  • 钟小春,张金荣,秦建设,朱伟. 盾构隧道纵向等效弯曲刚度的简化计算模型及影响因素分析[J]. 岩土力学 32 (1), 132-136 22 2011
  • C Dong, W Zhu, GF Hua, JY Huang. Evaluation of Diurnal Dissolved Oxygen as an Indicator of Biodegradable Organic and Nitrogen Pollution in Constructed Wetlands[J]. 2010 International Conference on E-Product E-Service and E-Entertainment, 1-3  2010
  • H Zhang, L Cheng, W Zhu. Nuclear norm regularization with a low-rank constraint for matrix completion[J].Inverse problems 26 (11), 115009 8 2010
  • GF Hua, W Zhu, YH Zhang. A conceptual approach based on suspended solids to estimate clogging time in constructed wetlands[J]. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 45 (12), 1519-1525 15 2010
  • 汪顺才,张春雷,黄英豪,刘青松,赵干,朱伟. 堆场疏浚淤泥含水率分布规律调查研究[J]. 岩土力学 31 (009), 2823-2828 12 2010
  • GF Hua, W Zhu, LF Zhao, JY Huang. Clogging pattern in vertical-flow constructed wetlands: Insight from a laboratory study[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials 180 (1-3), 668-674 89 2010
  • T Xia, W Zhu, P Xin, L Li. Assessment of urban stream morphology: an integrated index and modelling system[J]. Environmental monitoring and assessment 167 (1), 447-460 21 2010
  • J Huang, W Zhu, SH Htar. The Impact of Elevated CO2 Changes Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle for Different Wetland Plant Species in Shallow Lake Wetlands in the East China[J]. 2010 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical … 1 2010
  • G Zhao, W Zhu, L Li, CL Zhang. pH Changes in Solidified Dredged Materials[J]. Geoenvironmental Engineering and Geotechnics: Progress in Modeling and … 3 2010
  • Y Huang, W Zhu, C Zhang, S Wang, N Zhang. Experimental Study on Dredged Material Improvement for Highway Subgrade Soil[J]. Paving Materials and Pavement Analysis: Proceedings of the GeoShanghai 2010 … 5 2010
  • FL Min, W Zhu, XR Han, XC Zhong. The Effect of Clay Content on Filter-Cake Formation in Highly Permeable Gravel[J]. Geoenvironmental Engineering and Geotechnics: Progress in Modeling and … 29 2010
  • 朱伟,姜谋余,赵联芳,田涛. 悬浮泥沙对藻类生长影响的实测与分析[J]. 水科学进展 21 (2), 241-247 15 2010
  • W Zhu, L Wan, L Zhao. Effect of nutrient level on phytoplankton community structure in different water bodies[J]. Journal of environmental Sciences 22 (1), 32-39 84 2010
  • YIN Cong, Z Chun-lei, ZHU Wei, W Shun-cai, T Ohki. Natural Subsidence Study of Dredged Sediment Hydraulic Filling[J]. West-China Exploration Engineering 1 2010
  • X Zhao, W Zhu. Contents and characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in municipal sewage sludge from cities in Yangtze River Delta area[J]. Res. Environ. Sci 23 (9), 1174-1178 4 2010
  • SC Wang, CL Zhang, YH Huang. Study of diversification of water contents in dredged sediment storage yard[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 31, 2823-2828 4 2010
  • W Zhu, CF Chiu. Role of Soil Water in Cement-Based Treatment of Dredged Materials[J]. Advances in Environmental Geotechnics, 395-404 3 2010
  • 谭啸,孔繁翔,朱伟. 运用定量 PCR 研究太湖底泥越冬微囊藻的分布格局[C]. Proceedings of 2010 First International Conference on Cellular, Molecular2010
  • Y Qu, W Zhu, L Li, Z Xu. Research on the Feasibility of Engineering Application for Solidified Sludge Landfill[J]. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 4 (1), 47 1 2010
  • Y Han, W Zhu, Q Liu, X Zhong. Study on the Influence of Mix Proportioning on Cemented Mortar Engineering Properties for Tail Void Grouting of Shield Tunnel[J]. Deep and Underground Excavations, 206-217 1 2010
  • H Guofen, Z Wei, Z Lianfang, Z Yunhui. Applying solubilization treatment to reverse clogging in laboratory-scale vertical flow constructed wetlands. [J]. Water science and technology: a journal of the International Association on … 29 2010
  • 魏星,朱伟,赵联芳,陈家伟. 植物秸秆作补充碳源对人工湿地脱氮效果的影响[J]. 湖泊科学 22 (6), 916-922 21 2010
  • 张春雷,朱伟,范公俊. 水泥固化高含水率淤泥的收缩性质[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 38 (3), 295-299 12 2010
  • 李林,朱伟,王婷婷,谭啸. 高营养盐条件下连续水流对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响[J]. Proceedings of 2010 First International Conference on Cellular, Molecular …  2010
  • 尹聪,张春雷,朱伟,汪顺才. 吹填泥浆自然沉降规律研究[J]. 西部探矿工程 22 (8), 3-6 5 2010
  • 万蕾,朱伟. 重污染河道中浮游植物初级生产力特征[J]. 生态环境学报, 34-39 3 2010
  • 万蕾,朱伟. 梅梁湖水华暴发时的水质及浮游植物种群特点[J]. 环境化学 29 (5), 938-942  2010
  • 高敏,朱伟,董婵,赵联芳. 垂直流人工湿地中污染物昼夜及沿程变化规律[J]. 水资源保护 26 (2), 49-52 2 2010
  • 赵晓莉,徐德福,李泽宏,陈建军,董斌,吴荣涛. 城市污泥的土地利用对黑麦草理化指标和品质的影响[J]. 农业环境科学学报 29 (B03), 59-63 15 2010
  • 王婷婷,朱伟,李林. 不同温度下水流对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响模拟[J]. 湖泊科学 22 (4), 563-568 11 2010
  • 赵晓莉,朱伟. 长三角部分城市污泥 PAHs 质量分数及特征分析[J]. 环境科学研究, 1174-1179 4 2010
  • L ZHAO, W ZHU, W TONG. Clogging processes caused by biofilm growth and organic particle accumulation in lab-scale vertical flow constructed wetlands[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences 21 (6), 750-757 152 2009
  • 李磊,朱伟,林城. 干湿循环条件下固化污泥的物理稳定性研究[J]. 岩土力学 30 (10), 3001-3004 25 2009
  • W Zhu, CF Chiu, Chun-Lei Zhang, Ke-Lin Zeng. Effect of humic acid on the behaviour of solidified dredged material[J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 46 (9), 1093-1099 29 2009
  • 王亮,谢健,朱伟. 平行于水平面表面渗流对生态边坡中客土稳定性影响研究[J]. 岩土力学 30 (8), 2271-2275 3 2009
  • B Bian, W Zhu. Particle size distribution and pollutants in road-deposited sediments in different areas of Zhenjiang, China[J]. Environmental geochemistry and health 31 (4), 511-520 120 2009
  • ACF Chiu, W Zhu, X Chen. Rainfall infiltration pattern in an unsaturated silty sand[J].
  • Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 14 (8), 882-886 14 2009
  • H Ying-hao, ZHU Wei, Z Chun-lei, W Shun-cai, T Ohki. Mechanical characteristics and strength source of remolded solidified dredged material[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 30 (5), 1352-1356 15 2009
  • 朱伟,吉顺健,李磊,郑修军. 污泥固化/稳定化技术现场试验研究[J]. 环境科学与技术 5 13 2009
  • CF Chiu, W Zhu, CL Zhang, Yielding and shear behaviour of cement-treated dredged materials[J]. Engineering Geology 103 (1-2), 1-12 119 2009
  • L Li, W Zhu, C Lin, T Ohki. Study of wet and dry properties of solidified sludge[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 30 (10), 3001-3004 22 2009
  • W Zhu, SJ Ji, L Li, X ZHENG. Field experiment on solidification/stabilization of sludge[J]. Environmental Science & Technology 32 (5), 131-137 4 2009
  • C Lin, W Zhu, J Han. Geotechnical properties of solidified sludge by mixing cement and calcium-bentonite[J].Contemporary Topics in Ground Modification, Problem Soils, and Geo-Support  6 2009
  • W Zhu, M Li, C Zhang, H Li. The optimum moisture content of sand EPS beads mixed lightweight soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 31 (1), 21-25 10 2009
  • W Zhu, XQ Kou, XC Zhong, ZG Huang. Modification of key parameters of longitudinal equivalent model for shield tunnel[J]. 6th International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground … 2 2009
  • Z Lianfang, Y Keisuke, I Tadaharu, Z Wei, F Keisuke. Derivation of Boundary Condition for Quasi-3D Model of Water Exchange Between Neijiang and the Yangtze River[J]. Advances in Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, 491-496  2009
  • 李明东,朱伟,张春雷. 软夹杂土体的击实模型[J]. 土木工程学报, 149-153 3 2009
  • 黄英豪,朱伟,张春雷,汪顺才. 固化淤泥重塑土力学性质及其强度来源[J]. 岩土力学 30 (5), 1352-1356 11 2009
  • 黄峰,魏浪,李磊,朱伟. 乌江干流中上游水电梯级开发水温累积效应[J]. 长江流域资源与环境 18 (4), 337-342 16 2009
  • 赵联芳,朱伟,高青. 补充植物碳源提高人工湿地脱氮效率[J]. 解放军理工大学学报: 自然科学版, 644-649 26 2009
  • 朱伟,李明东,张春雷,李红. 砂土EPS颗粒混合轻质土的最优击实含水率[J]. 岩土工程学报 31 (01), 21-25 14 2009
  • 汪顺才,张春雷,朱伟,王方汉,曹维勤,缪建成. 固化添加剂对固化尾砂初始流动性和强度的影响[J]. 金属矿山, 30-33+86  2009
  • 万蕾,朱伟. 不同遮光方式的抑藻效果比较研究[J]. 环境工程学报 3 (10), 1749-1754 9 2009
  • 万蕾,朱伟. 重污染河道浮游动物种群的特点[J]. 生态环境学报 18 (3), 869-873 6 2009
  • 屈阳,朱伟,李磊,徐志荣. 固化污泥填埋工程实际应用可行性研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线 2009
  • 李磊,朱伟,张春雷. 污泥固化土的重金属污染控制研究[J]. 长江科学院院报 26 (B10), 62-65 4 2009
  • 万蕾,朱伟. 苏州城市河道滞流水体浮游植物常见属生态位研究[J]. 生态科学, 152-157 2 2009
  • 朱伟,华国芬,赵联芳. 人工湿地填料有机堵塞问题的化学溶脱法室内模拟[J]. 环境化学 28 (3), 409-413 3 2009
  • W Zhu, B Bian, L Li. Heavy metal contamination of road-deposited sediments in a medium size city of China[J]. Environmental monitoring and assessment 147 (1), 171-181 176 2008
  • 韩晓瑞,朱伟,刘泉维,钟小春,闵凡路. 泥浆性质对泥水盾构开挖面泥膜形成质量影响[J]. 岩土力学 29 45 2008
  • 郑修军,朱伟,李磊,徐志荣,屈阳. 污泥固化材料优选试验研究[J]. 岩土力学 29 20 2008
  • 朱伟,钟小春,加瑞. 盾构隧道垂直土压力松动效应的颗粒流模拟[J]. 岩土工程学报 30 (5), 750-754 24 2008
  • W Zhu, Y Huang, C Zhang, Q Liu. Effect of curing time on mechanical behavior of crushed solidified dredged material[J]. GeoCongress 2008@ sCharacterization, Monitoring, and Modeling of GeoSystems … 9 2008
  • W Zhu, ST Xie, AD Ruan, XW Bian. Effects of gravel mulch technology on soil erosion resistance and plant growth of river flinty slope[J]. Ying Yong Sheng tai xue bao= The Journal of Applied Ecology 19 (3), 634-640 1 2008
  • Z Wei, L Mingdong, Z Chunlei, Z Gan. Density and strength properties of sand-expanded polystyrene beads mixture[J]. Characterization, Monitoring, and Modeling of Geosystems: Proceedings of … 20* 2008
  • B Bian, W Zhu, F Huang, XW Bian. Characterizing nutrients of urban stromwater runoff in Zhenjiang[J]. Huan Jing ke Xue 29 (1), 19-25 1 2008
  • M Li, W Zhu, C Zhang, G Zhao. Effect of compaction parameters on lightweight sand-EPS beads soil[J]. Journal of Hohai University (Natural Sciences) 36 (6), 814-817 7 2008
  • D ZHOU, W ZHU, Q ZHONG. Analysis of Efficacy of Low Tidal Volume Ventilation in Traumatic Patients With ARDS[J].Journal of Internal Intensive Medicine  2008
  • XR Han, W Zhu, WQ Liu, XC Zhong, FL Min. Influence of slurry property on filter cake quality on working face of slurry shield[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 29 (S1), 288-292 39 2008
  • 朱伟,谢三桃,阮爱东,卞勋文. 碎石覆盖对河流硬质护坡土壤抗侵蚀性及植物生长的影响[J]. 应用生态学报 19 (3), 634-640 6 2008
  • W Zhu, KL Zeng, CL Zhang. Influence of organic matter component on solidification of dredged sediment[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 29 (1), 33-36 9 2008
  • LF Zhao, W Zhu, MX Mo. Effects of submerged macrophytes on pH values and nitrogen removal[J]. Water Resources Protection 24 (6), 64-67 10 2008
  • XJ Zheng, W Zhu, L Li, ZR Xu, Y Qu. Optimization experiment study of sludge solidifying materials[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 29 (S1), 571-574 14 2008
  • W Zhu, XC Zhong, R Jia. Simulation on relaxation effect of vertical earth pressure for shield tunnels by particle flow code[J]. Chin. J. Geotech. Eng 30, 750-754 15 2008
  • L Li, W Zhu, S Ji, XJ Zheng. Influence of micro-organism on long-term strength of solidified/stabilized sludge[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 30 (12), 1778-1782 14 2008
  • 朱伟,王东华,周晓光. 基于信息熵的 DEM 最佳分辨率确定方法研究[J]. 遥感信息, 79-82 12 2008
  • 刘青松,张春雷,汪顺才,朱伟. 淤泥堆场人工硬壳层地基极限承载力室内模拟研究[J]. 岩土力学 29 (S1), 667-670 13 2008
  • 赵联芳,朱伟,莫妙兴. 沉水植物对水体 pH 值的影响及其脱氮作用[J]. 水资源保护 24 (6), 64-67 23 2008
  • 赵晓莉,朱伟. 城市污泥农用对生菜理化指标和品质的影响[J]. 生态环境 17 (1), 99-104 6 2008
  • 李明东,朱伟,张春雷,赵干. 击实参数对砂土 EPS 颗粒混合轻质土的影响[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 36 (6), 814-817 11 2008
  • 张春雷,汪顺才,朱伟,刘青松. 初始含水率对水泥固化淤泥效果的影响[J]. 岩土力学 29 (S1), 567-570 24 2008
  • 朱伟,曾科林,张春雷. 淤泥固化处理中有机物成分的影响[J]. 岩土力学 29 (1), 33-36 29 2008
  • 朱伟,万蕾,赵联芳. 不同温度和营养盐质量浓度条件下藻类的种间竞争规律[J]. 生态环境 17 (1), 6-11 40 2008
  • 刘洪忠,钟小春,林键,朱伟. 适应土性要求的盾构用气泡剂的开发研究[J]. 地下空间与工程学报 4 (5), 953-958 2 2008
  • 李磊,朱伟,吉顺健,郑修军. 微生物对固化/稳定化污泥长期强度的影响研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 30 (12), 1778-1782 16 2008
  • 冯亮,朱伟,钟小春,左佳. 中粗砂地层盾构施工防治喷涌的试验研究[J]. 第二届中国水利水电岩土力学与工程学术讨论会论文集 ()  2008
  • 张煜芸,赵联芳,朱伟. 表面流人工湿地控制径流污染的试验研究[J]. 2008 中国环境科学学会学术年会优秀论文集 (上卷)  2008
  • 蔡叶红,赵联芳,朱伟. 营养盐浓度对共培体系中沉水植物, 铜绿微囊藻的生理影响[J]. 2008 中国环境科学学会学术年会优秀论文集 (下卷)  2008
  • 边博,朱伟,黄峰,卞勋文. 镇江城市降雨径流营养盐污染特征研究[J]. 环境科学 29 (01), 19-25 28 2008
  • 朱伟,谢三桃,阮爱东,卞勋文. 碎石覆盖对河流硬质护坡土壤抗侵蚀性及植物生长的影响[J]. 应用生态学报 19 (03), 634-640 6 2008
  • 朱伟,边博,李磊. 镇江城市径流颗粒粒径分布及其与污染物的关系[J]. 环境科学学报 28 (04), 764-771 22 2008
  • 汪顺才,张春雷,朱伟,王方汉,曹维勤. 尾砂浓度对固化尾砂初始流动性和强度的影响[J]. 金属矿山, 136-138 2 2008
  • 韩月旺,钟小春,朱伟,虞兴福. 压力舱土体改良对盾构开挖面稳定影响研究[J]. 岩土力学 1 4 2007
  • 秦建设,虞兴福,钟小春,朱伟. 黏土中盾构开挖面变形与破坏数值模拟研究[J]. 岩土力学 28 9 2007
  • 朱伟,夏霆,姜谋余,赵联芳. 城市河流水环境综合评价方法探讨[J]. 水科学进展 18 (005), 736-744 29 2007
  • W Zhu, B Bian, AD Ruan. Analysis of sources of heavy metal contamination in road-deposited sediment from Zhenjiang[J]. Huan Jing ke Xue= Huanjing Kexue 28 (7), 1584-1589 13 2007
  • 朱伟,姬凤玲,李明东,马殿光,汤峻. 轻质土密度, 强度与材料组成的关系研究[J].岩土力学 28 (7), 1411-1414 30 2007
  • L Wan, W Zhu, LF Zhao. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and competition of M. aeruginosa and S. quadricauda[J]. Huan Jing ke Xue= Huanjing Kexue 28 (6), 1230-1235 21 2007
  • Y Han, W Zhu, X Zhong, R Jia. Experimental investigation on backfill grouting deformation characteristics of shield tunnel in sand[J]. Underground Space–The 4th Dimension of Metropolises: Proceedings of the … 6 2007
  • W Zhu, C Lin, L Li, T Ohki. Solidification/stabilization (S/S) of sludge using calcium-bentonite as additive[J]. Huan Jing ke Xue= Huanjing Kexue 28 (5), 1020-1025 22 2007
  • W Zhu, CL Zhang, ACF Chiu. Soil–water transfer mechanism for solidified dredged materials[J]. Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 133 (5), 588-598 87 2007
  • 汤峻,朱伟,李明东,姬凤玲. 砂土 EPS 颗粒混合轻质土的物理力学特性[J]. 岩土力学 28 (5), 1045-1049 21 2007
  • 陈云敏,施建勇,朱伟,詹良通. 中国环境岩土工程的进展[J]. 中国土木工程学会第十届土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文集. 重庆: 重庆大学出版社 2 2007
  • R Tang, W Zhu, S Li. Changes of coagulation functions in the patients with multiple trauma and its clinical meanings[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 27 (5), 395  2007
  • W Zhu, H Chen, Q Lv, L WAN, D ZHOU, Z ZHENG. Expression of heat shock protein 70 in myocardial tissue in rats with endotoxemia and effects of pentoxifylline[J]. Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 27 (6), 752  2007
  • W Zhu, H Chen, Q Lv. Protective effects of pentoxifylline on hepatic tissue in rats with endotoxemia[J]. Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine 27 (7), 630  2007
  • W Zhu, T Xia, M Jiang, L Zhao. Comprehensive assessment for water environment for urban stream[J]. Advances in Water Science 18 (5), 744  2007
  • J QIN, X YU, X ZHONG, W ZHU. Numerical research on face movement and collapse of shield tunneling in silt ground[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 6 2007
  • YW Han, XC Zhong, W Zhu, XF Yu. Soil conditioning influence on face stability of shield tunnel[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 28 (1), 516-520 4 2007
  • W Tong, W Zhu, A Ruan. Primary study of clogging mechanisms of substrates in vertical flow constructed wetland[J]. Journal of Lake Sciences 19 (1), 25-31 10 2007
  • W Zhu, FL Ji, MD Li, D MA, J Tang. Relationship among density, strength and materials of lightweight treated soil[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 28 (7), 1411-1414 14 2007
  • 朱伟,李明东,汤峻,张春雷. 淤泥 EPS 颗粒混合轻质土抗剪强度的影响因素[J]. 公路 2, 7-10 6 2007
  • 冯志超,朱伟,张春雷. 黏粒含量对固化淤泥力学性质的影响[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报 26 (A01), 3052-3057 9 2007
  • 夏霆,朱伟,赵联芳. 镇江市社会经济-水环境系统协调发展[J]. 水资源保护 23 (4), 52-55 11 2007
  • 张春雷,朱伟,李磊,范公俊. 湖泊疏浚泥固化筑堤现场试验研究[J]. 中国港湾建设, 27-29 29 2007
  • 童盖,朱伟,阮爱东. 垂直流人工湿地填料的淤堵机理初探”[J]. J Lake Sci 19 (1), 25-31 20 2007
  • 赵建,朱伟,赵联芳. 人工湿地对城市污染河水的净化效果及机理[J]. 湖泊科学 19 (001), 32-38 39 2007
  • 夏霆,朱伟,姜谋余,赵联芳. 城市河流栖息地评价方法与应用[J]. 环境科学学报 27 (12), 2095-2104 20 2007
  • 朱伟,边博,阮爱东. 镇江城市道路沉积物中重金属污染的来源分析[J]. 环境科学 28 (07), 1584-1589 48 2007
  • 万蕾,朱伟,赵联芳. 氮磷对微囊藻和栅藻生长及竞争的影响[J]. 环境科学 28 (06), 1230-1235 57 2007
  • 张兰芳,朱伟,梅新敏. 沉水植物伊乐藻生长的氮阈值[J]. 中国水利学会 2007 学术年会湖泊健康与水生态修复分会场论文集 2007
  • 朱伟,林城,李磊,大木宜章. 以膨润土为辅助添加剂固化/稳定化污泥的试验研究[J]. 环境科学 28 (05), 1020-1025 43 2007
  • 朱伟,钟小春,秦建设. 盾构衬砌管片接头力学分析及双直线刚度模型研究[J]. 岩土力学 27 (12), 2154-2158 37 2006
  • 朱伟,陈学东,钟小春. 降雨入渗规律的实测与分析[J]. 岩土力学 27 (11), 1873-1879 49 2006
  • A Ruan, MIN HANG, W Zhu. Studies on biodegradation of nicotine by Arthrobacter sp. strain HF-2[J]. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B: Pesticides, Food … 26 2006
  • 钟小春,朱伟. 盾构衬砌管片土压力反分析研究[J]. 岩土力学 27 (10), 1743-1748 12 2006
  • 李磊,朱伟,林城. 硫杆菌对固化污泥中重金属浸出的影响[J]. 环境科学 27 (10), 2105-2109 17 2006
  • 朱伟,张俊,赵联芳. 底质中氨氮对沉水植物生长的影响[J]. 生态环境 15 (005), 914-920 16 2006
  • 朱伟,郭涛,魏康林. 盾构用气泡的性能及对开挖土体改良效果影响[J]. 地下空间与工程学报 2 (4), 571-577 21 2006
  • 张俊,朱伟,操家顺,万蕾. 水体底质异质性对沉水植物生长的影响[J]. 水资源保护 22 (004), 44-46 10 2006
  • 朱伟,李磊,林城. 生物化学作用对污泥固化体渗透性的影响[J]. 岩土力学 27 (006), 933-938 34 2006
  • W Zhu, J Lin, R Jia. Three-dimensional numerical modelling of shield tunnel lining[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 21 (3-4) 25 2006
  • 朱伟,张兰芳,操家顺,万蕾,梅新敏. 水污染对菹草及伊乐藻生长的影响[J]. 水资源保护 22 (3), 36-39 18 2006
  • M Li, W Zhu, D Ma, FL Ji. Construction technology and application in-situ of expanded polystyrene treated lightweight soil[J]. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao(Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering) 28 (4 … 20 2006
  • 万蕾,朱伟,操家顺,张兰芳,张俊. 苏州重污染河道水体浮游植物消长规律初探[J]. 长江流域资源与环境 15 (002), 237-243 16 2006
  • W Zhu, N Cheng, X Chen, CF Chiu. Some fundamental problems of unsaturated seepage. [J]. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao(Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering) 28 (2 … 22 2006
  • W Zhu, H Chen, R Tang, L Wan, Q Zhong, SS LI. Analysis of risk factors in patients with trauma accompanied by multiple organ dysfunction syndrome[J]. Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine  2006
  • H Zheng-Rong, ZHU Wei, J LIANG. A study on the limit support pressure at excavation face of shield tunneling[J]. China Civil Engineering Journal 39 (10), 112-116 19 2006
  • W Zhu, LF Zhang, JS Cao, L Wan, XM Mei. Experimental research on growth of Potamageton crispus and Elodea nuttallii under different polluted water[J]. Water Res. Prot 22, 36-39 4 2006
  • ZG Huang, W Zhu, JH Liang, J Qin. Study on limit supporting pressure and stabilization of excavation face for shallow shield tunnels in sand[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 28 (11), 2005-2009 35 2006
  • W Zhu, XC Zhong, JS Qin. Mechanical analysis of segment joint of shield tunnel and research on bilinear joint stiffness model[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 12, 2154-05 24 2006
  • J ZHANG, ZHU Wei, CAO Jiashun. Effects of heterogeneity of sediments on growth of submerged macrophytes[J]. Water Resources Protection 22 (4), 44-46 2 2006
  • H Shan, W Zhu, C Zhang, L Li. The investigation of developed rural refuse characteristic and discussion of treatment[J]. Jiangsu Environmental Science & Technology 19 (6), 4-6 8 2006
  • XC Zhong, W Zhu.Back analysis of soil pressure acting on shield lining segment[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 27 (10), 1743-1748 7 2006
  • LF Zhao, W Zhu, J Zhao. Nitrogen removal mechanism in constructed wetland used for treating polluted river water with lower ratio of carbon to nitrogen[J].Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 26 (11), 1821-1827 21 2006
  • L Wan, W Zhu, J Cao, LF Zhang, J Zhang. Growth of phytoplankton in polluted river in Suzhou City[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin 15 (2), 237-243 7 2006
  • W Zhu, XD Chen, XC Zhong. Observation and analysis of rainfall infiltration[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 27 (11), 1873-1879 20 2006
  • W Zhu, L Li, C Lin. Biochemical effects on permeability of solidified sludge[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 27 (6), 933-938 26 2006
  • 范公俊,朱伟,张春雷. 固化淤泥收缩性质研究[J]. 第二届全国岩土与工程大会论文集. 北京: 科学出版社 4 2006
  • 黄正荣,朱伟,梁精华. 修正惯用法管片环弯曲刚度有效率 η 和弯矩提高率 ξ 的研究[J]. 工业建筑 36 (002), 45-49 10 2006
  • 朱伟,李国卿,赵联芳. 长江淡水潮汐湿地植物特性和植物群落演替研究——以镇江北固山湿地为例[J]. 长江流域资源与环境 15 (5), 608-613 6 2006
  • 单华伦,朱伟,张春雷,李磊. 发达农村生活垃圾特性调查及治理技术探讨[J]. 江苏环境科技 19 (6), 3-5 14 2006
  • 张兰芳,朱伟,操家顺,梅新敏,张俊. 污染水体中悬浮物对菹草 (Potamagetoon crispus) 生长的影响[J]. 湖泊科学 18 (1), 73-78 19 2006
  • 黄正荣,朱伟,梁精华,秦建设. 盾构法隧道开挖面极限支护压力研究[J]. 土木工程学报 39 (10), 112-116 39 2006
  • 李明东,朱伟,汤峻,张春雷. 淤泥 EPS 颗粒混合轻质土黏聚力的一种计算方法[J]. 岩土力学 27 (S2), 132-136  2006
  • 张春雷,朱伟,范昭平. 淤泥复合型固化材料试验研究[J]. 第二届全国岩土与工程学术大会论文集 (下册)  2006
  • 朱伟,程南军,陈学东,赵仲辉. 浅谈非饱和渗流的几个基本问题[J]. 岩土工程学报 28 (02), 235-240 50 2006
  • 李明东,朱伟,马殿光,姬凤玲. EPS颗粒混合轻质土的施工技术及其应用实例[J]. 岩土工程学报 28 (04), 533-536 30 2006
  • 赵联芳,朱伟,赵建. 人工湿地处理低碳氮比污染河水时的脱氮机理[J]. 环境科学学报 26 (11), 1821-1827 65 2006
  • 黄正荣,朱伟,梁精华,秦建设. 浅埋砂土中盾构法隧道开挖面极限支护压力及稳定研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 28 (11), 2005-2009 67 2006
  • 朱伟,黄正荣,梁精华. 盾构衬砌管片的壳–弹簧设计模型研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 28 (08), 940-947 65 2006
  • 林城,朱伟,李磊. 固化污泥的基本力学性质研究——以膨润土为辅助添加剂[J]. 第二届全国岩土与工程学术大会论文集 (下册). 武汉: 中国岩石力学与工程学会 6 2006
  • 加瑞,朱伟,钟小春. 砂土拱效应的挡板下落试验及机理研究[J]. 岩土力学 27 (S2), 687-692 1 2006
  • 加瑞,朱伟,钟小春. 砂土拱效应的室内模型试验研究[J]. 川中国岩石力学与工程学会. 第二届全国岩土与工程学术大会论文集. 北京: 科学出版社 3 2006
  • 朱伟,冯志超,张春雷,谢健. 疏浚泥固化处理进行填海工程的现场试验研究[J]. 中国港湾建设 5, 27-30 22 2005
  • FAN Zhao-ping, Z Wei, Z Chun-lei. Experimental study on influence of organic matter content on solidified dredging[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 26 (8), 1327-+ 24 2005
  • 范昭平,朱伟,张春雷. 有机质含量对淤泥固化效果影响的试验研究[J]. 岩土力学 26 (8), 1327-1330 62 2005
  • 李磊,朱伟,林城. 骨架构建法进行污泥固化处理的试验研究[J]. 中国给水排水 6 34 2005
  • 夏霆,朱伟,唐圣洋,葛玉连,吴青龙,李明俊. “水专项” 业主制管理模式的初步探讨[J]. 中国科技论坛 3 1 2005
  • 李磊,朱伟,赵建,陈刚. 西五里湖疏浚底泥资源化处理的二次污染问题研究[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 33 (002), 127-130 28 2005
  • 钟小春,朱伟,郭涛,韩月旺. 装配式管片接头受力平面有限元分析[J]. 现代隧道技术 42 (6), 20-23 9 2005
  • W Zhu, C Zhang, Y Gao. Fundamental mechanical properties of solidified dredged marine sediment[J]. Journal-Zhejiang University Engineering Science 39 (10), 1561 32 2005
  • K Zeng, W Zhu, C Zhang, P Shi. Influence of underwater casting on mud solidification[J].
  • Hydro-Science and Engineering, 54-58 1 2005
  • W ZHU, L LI, C ZHANG, J ZHAO. Study on optimal design of dredged spoils solidification[J].
  • Environmental Science and Technology 2 2005
  • W Zhu, FL Ji, DG Ma, MD Li. Shear strength properties of lightweight bead-treated soil made from dredged silt[J]. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 24, S2 4 2005
  • W ZHU, J QIN, T LU. Numerical study on face movement and collapse around shield tunnels in sand[J]. Chinese Jounal of Geotechnical Engineering 37 2005
  • 黎冰,高玉峰,刘汉龙,朱伟. 几个影响室内土动力试验的重要试验参数[J]. 防灾减灾工程学报 25 (4), 446-450 1 2005
  • 朱伟,李磊,张春雷,赵建. 疏浚泥固化处理的优化设计研究[J]. 水泥 7 (14d), 21d 10 2005
  • 朱伟,张春雷,高玉峰,范昭平. 海洋疏浚泥固化处理土基本力学性质研究[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版) 39 (10), 1561-1565 56 2005
  • 黄正荣,朱伟,梁精华. 盾构法隧道衬砌设计中土弹簧单元研究[J]. 大直径隧道与城市轨道交通工程技术——2005 上海国际隧道工程研讨会文集 2005
  • 朱伟,姬凤玲,马殿光,李明东. 疏浚淤泥泡沫塑料颗粒轻质混合土的抗剪强度特性[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报 24 (S2), 5721-5721 15 2005
  • 朱伟,秦建设,卢廷浩. 砂土中盾构开挖面变形与破坏数值模拟研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 27 (08), 897-902 75 2005
  • 林键,朱伟,钟小春. 气泡的稳定性对盾构施工中土体改良效果研究[J]. 岩土工程界 8 (12), 38-41 3 2005
  • 曾科林,朱伟,张春雷,石萍. 现场水下浇筑对淤泥固化效果的影响[J]. 水利水运工程学报, 54-58 4 2005
  • HQ Zhang, J Xie, W Zhu, YZ Huang, P Shi. Present situation of dredged materials dumping and the study of transforming dredged mud into regenerative resources—Difficulties of refuses dumping in China seas [J]. Marine Science Bulletin 23 (6), 54-60 16 2004
  • 姬凤玲,朱伟,张春雷. 疏浚淤泥的土工材料化处理技术的试验与探讨[J]. 岩土力学 25 (012), 1999-2002 50 2004
  • 朱伟,陈清锦,张兰芳. 伊乐藻在冬季低温条件下对污染水体的净化效果[J]. 生态环境 13 (004), 497-499 26 2004
  • 秦建设,朱伟. 土压式盾构施工中地下水出渗机理研究[J]. 岩土力学 25 (10), 1632-1636 9 2004
  • 秦建设,朱伟,陈剑. 盾构姿态控制引起管片错台及开裂问题研究[J]. 施工技术 33 (010), 25-27 23 2004
  • 姬凤玲,朱伟,李明东. 废弃泡沫塑料的疏浚泥固化处理技术的研究[J]. 环境科学与技术 27 (005), 69-70 11 2004
  • 秦建设,朱伟,林进也. 盾构施工中气泡应用效果评价研究 [J]. 地下空间 24 (3) 12 2004
  • JS Qin, W Zhu, J Chen. Study of dislocation of duct pieces and crack problems caused by shield attitude control[J]. Construction Technology 33 (10), 25-27 12 2004
  • W Zhu, Q Lu, D Liu. Protective effect of pentoxifylline on acute lung injury induced by intestinal ischemia-reperfusion in rats[J]. Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine 24 (9), 654-655  2004
  • W Zhu, JS Qin, KL Wei. Research on the mechanism of the spewing in the EPB shield tunneling[J]. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese J. Geotech. Eng 23 2004
  • JS Qin, W Zhu. Study on flowing through screw conveyor during excavation with EPB shield[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 25 (10), 1632-1636 7 2004
  • FL Ji, W Zhu, CL Zhang. Study of treatment technology of dredging sludge with geosynthetizing method[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 25 (12), 1999-2002 12 2004
  • 谈小龙,朱伟,秦建设. 盾构法隧道施工中盾构控制滞后效应的研究[J]. 地下空间 24 (1), 36-40 3 2004
  • 程南宁,朱伟,张俊. 重污染水体中沉水植物的繁殖及移栽技术探讨[J]. 水资源保护 20 (006), 8-11 17 2004
  • 张和庆,谢健,朱伟,黄亦真,石萍. 疏浚物倾倒现状与转化为再生资源的研究——中国海洋倾废面临的困难和对策[J]. 海洋通报 23 (6), 54-60 29 2004
  • 朱伟,秦建设,魏康林. 土压平衡盾构喷涌发生机理研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 26 (05), 589-593 29 2004
  • 朱伟,胡如军,钟小春. 几种盾构隧道管片设计方法的比较 [J]. 地下空间 23 (4) 29 2003
  • 朱伟,秦建设,高玉峰. 求解非饱和土堤初始浸润线的一种解析法[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 31 (003), 314-317 8 2003
  • 胡如军,朱伟,季亚平. 盾构隧道管片设计参数的灵敏度分析 [J]. 地下空间 23 (1) 6 2003
  • 朱伟,张明晶,张志允. 土压平衡盾构气泡发泡剂的试验研究[J]. 中国土木工程学会第九届土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文集 (下册) 4 2003
  • 钟小春,朱伟,季亚平,徐洋. 盾构衬砌管片环弯曲等效刚度的一种确定方法[J]. 地质与勘探, 185-189 10 2003
  • 姬凤玲,朱伟,范昭平. 疏浚淤泥再生泡沫塑料混合轻量土的试验研究[J]. 第九届土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文集 6 2003
  • 季亚平,朱伟,秦建设,钟小春. 土压力计算对盾构管片内力的影响[J]. 中国土木工程学会第九届土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文集 (下册)  2003
  • 钟小春,朱伟,秦建设. 盾构隧道衬砌管片通缝与错缝的比较分析[J]. 岩土工程学报 25 (01), 109-112 33 2003
  • 张志允,朱伟,姬凤玲. 气泡混合轻量土制作方法的试验研究[J]. 地质与勘探, 38-41 1 2003
  • 朱伟,刘汉龙,高玉峰. 堤防抗震设计的原则与方法[J]. 水利学报, 113-118 3 2002
  • 朱伟,张春雷,刘汉龙,高玉峰. 疏浚泥处理再生资源技术的现状[J]. 环境科学与技术 25 (4), 39-41 144 2002
  • Y GAO, H LIU, W ZHU, K FEI. Influences of soil coupling on soil seismic responses[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics  2001
  • 朱伟,陈仁俊. 盾构隧道施工技术现状及展望 ( 1 ) 盾构隧道基本原理及在我国的使用情况[J]. 岩土工程界 4 (11), 19-21 69 2001
  • H Liu, Y Gao, W Zhu, K FEI. Influences of boundary condition on the visco-elastic seismic response of soil layer[J]. ROCK AND SOIL MECHANICS-WUHAN- 22 (4; ISSU 74), 408-412 2 2001
  • 高玉峰,刘汉龙,朱伟,费康. 侧向土体耦合作用对土层地震反应的影响[J]. 岩土力学 22 (3), 262-266  2001
  • 朱伟,陈仁俊. 盾构隧道施工技术现状及展望 ( 2 )——盾构隧道技术问题和施工管理[J]. 矿产勘查, 14-16 53* 2001
  • 魏康林,朱伟. 盾构隧道施工技术发展新动向[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 29 (B12), 157-161 6 2001
  • 胡如军,朱伟. 盾构隧道管片的设计计算方法[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 29 (B12), 182-185 5 2001
  • 刘汉龙,高玉峰,朱伟,费康. 边界条件对土层粘弹性地震反应的影响[J]. 岩土力学 22 (4), 408-412 6 2001
  • 刘汉龙,高玉峰,朱伟. 地震液化区分布范围对地面大位移的影响[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 29 (5), 1-6 6 2001
  • 高玉峰,刘汉龙,朱伟,顾长存. 剪切波速对砂土层地震反应的影响[J]. 工程勘察, 39-42 20 2001
  • 朱伟,刘汉龙,高玉峰. 工程废弃土的再生资源利用技术[J]. 再生资源研究, 32-35 24 2001
  • 朱伟,刘汉龙,高玉峰. 河堤内非稳定渗流的实测与分析[J]. 水利学报, 92-96 15 2001
  • 谈小龙,朱伟. 探讨城市地下隧道施工中的盾构选型问题[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 29 (B12), 152-156  2001
  • 朱伟,刘汉龙. 河川崩岸的发生机制及其治理方法[J]. 水利水电科技进展 21 (1), 62-65  2001
  • 朱伟,高玉峰,刘汉龙. 堤防背坡脚水平排水技术开发与研究[J]. 水利水电科技进展 21 (3), 29-32 1 2001
  • 高玉峰,刘汉龙,朱伟. 地震液化引起的地面大位移研究进展[J]. 岩土力学 21 (3), 294-298 23 2000
  • T Yixin, L Hanlong, ZHU Wei. Study on engineering properties of cement-stabilized soil[J].
  • GAO Yu-feng, LIU Han-long, ZHU Wei. Advances in large ground displacement induced by seismic liquefaction[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics 21 (3), 294-298 10 2000
  • 高玉峰,刘汉龙,朱伟. 基于地震危险性分析的场地地震动持时特性研究[J]. 世界地震工程 16 (4), 109-112 6 2000
  • 朱伟. 日本阿武隈川的洪水灾害及其综合治理[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 28 (1), 61-66 5 2000
  • 汤怡新,刘汉龙,朱伟. 水泥固化土工程特性试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报 22 (5), 549-554 199 2000
  • 朱伟. 堤防地基渗透破坏机制及其治理 [J]. 13 1999
  • W Zhu, K Yamamura. Underground Flexible Pipe Culverts in Process of Construction[J].
  • Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Nihon University  1999
  • 朱伟. 雨水·洪水渗透时河堤的稳定性[J]. 岩土工程学报 21 (4), 414-419 29 1999
  • 朱伟. 非饱和土吸力中的路径问题[J]. 兰州大学学报: 自然科学版 35 (3), 202-207 1 1999
  • W Zhu, Y Huang, GA Parker, DJ Kouri, DK Hoffman. Application of distributed approximating functionals for atom-rigid rotor inelastic scattering: body frame close-coupling time-dependent and time-independent wavepacket approaches[J]. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 98 (48), 12516-12520 10 1994

Zhong, Jun, et al. “Transformation mechanism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and hydrogen production during the gasification of coking sludge in supercritical water.” Chemosphere 300 (2022): 134467.

Sun, Jipeng, et al. “Efficient extraction of biodiesel feedstock and dehydration of kitchen waste: A method based on co-dissolution of liquefied dimethyl ether and water.” Waste Management 147 (2022): 22-29.

Feng, Ganyu, et al. “The role of morphological changes in Microcystis adaptation to nutrient availability at the colonial level.” Harmful Algae 115 (2022): 102235.

Xue, Zongpu, et al. “Influence of wind and light on the floating and sinking process of Microcystis.” Scientific reports 12.1 (2022): 1-12.